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„LARVA RHETORICA”: CHANGES IN THE ROLE OF RHETORIC IN THE CULTURE OF SEVENTEENTH-CENTURY SILESIA Beata Gaj Opole University The article aims to present three different Latin texts created in the Old Silesia in the 17th century. All of them reveal the authors’ awareness of rhetorical transformations in this time. The first one, entitled Parallel morum saeculi, describes

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THE CHALLENGES OF CONTEMPORARY CULTURE TOWARDS RHETORIC – POLYPHONY When one wonders on the mutual relations between rhetoricy and the cultural changes one should consider thinking about new social and cultural conditions where the rhetoric dwells now. The diagnosis of the contemporary challenges threatens the practice and theory of literature is done by the researchers

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The summary of all issues from the first to twenty-third

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The summary of all issues from the first to twenty-third (Jakub Z. Lichanski) University of Warsaw FORUM ARTIS RHETORICAE fasc. 1, 2004 Table of Contents Editorial, Maria ZAŁĘSKA, ‘Rhetoric’ and ‘Ritual’: Between Neutral Meaning and Negative Connotation, Marcin MIERZEJEWSKI, Argumentation on the Internet. Selected Elements of Argumentative Stylistics in Hypertext, Małgorzata PIETRZAK, Contemporary Audience in

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The Latin Manuscripts and Old Prints connected with Silesia nowadays preserved in the Archive of Jasna Góra Monastery

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The Latin Manuscripts and Old Prints connected with Silesia nowadays preserved in the Archive of Jasna Góra Monastery Beata Gaj University of Opole Among Former Silesia’s Latin texts, rhetorical writings, both manuscripts and old prints, deserve special attention. In the Bright Mountain’s archive (The Archive of Jasna Góra Monastery), such a special place for Poles,

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From Academia Istropolitana to the Jagiellonian University. History of Rhetoric in Hungary

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From Academia Istropolitana to the Jagiellonian University. History of Rhetoric in Hungary, Slovakia, Bohemia and Poland in the 14th and 15th century Jakub Z. Lichański University of Warsaw Rhetoric is the part of linguistics and cultural science, taken from the ancient and Byzantine traditions, which, although always having some national characteristics, is an universal, supranational

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FAR 2011 No 4 (27) October-December Editorial

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Editorial Dear Readers, The fourth issue of the quarterly contains two articles about rhetoric at the border between Middle-Ages and Renaissance (Jakub Z. Lichański, From Academia Istropolitana to the Jagiellonian University. History of Rhetoric in Hungary, Slovakia, Bohemia and Poland in the 14th and 15th centuries; Beata Gaj, The Latin Manuscripts and Old Prints connected with Silesia

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Christian plantin, Les bonnes raisons des emotions

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Christian plantin, Les bonnes raisons des emotions. Principes et methode pour l’etude du discours emotionne. Peter Lang, Bern – Berlin – Bruxelles – Frankfurt am Main – New York – Oxford – Wien 2011 (review) Maria Załęska The famous sentence by Pascal „heart has its own reasons, which the mind cannot understand” (le coeur a

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