The Polish Rhetoric Society (PRS) is an academic association which aims at:

  • broadening theknowledge of rhetoric,
  • advancing rhetoric as an academic discipline,
  • promoting theteaching of rhetoric,
  • facilitating professional cooperation among its members and their institutions.

We want to foster interdisciplinary dialogue relating to ancient and contemporary rhetoric.

Members of the Society represent various disciplines (Polish philology, classical philology, applied linguistics, history, philosophy, sociology) with the view to expanding the awareness and understanding of rhetoric. Among us there are experienced researchers and novice academics. We are theorists and practitioners, academic scholars, school teachers, the PR departments staffers, speech therapists, and specialists in the field of communication.

Every year, the Society organizes conferences and seminars, and patrons oratorical competitions and student debates.

The Polish Rhetoric Society is the publisher of the international journal Res Rhetorica and the Rhetoricum publishing series.

Polskie Towarzystwo Retoryczne logo


The Polish Rhetoric Society was founded in 2000 on the initiative of a group of academics, PhD students and students of the Institute of Polish Literature of the University of Warsaw. In the years 2004–2013, PRS together with the Laboratory of History and Theory of Rhetoric at the Institute of Applied Polish Studies of the University of Warsaw co-published the academic journal Forum Artis Rhetoricae.

Currently, the Polish Rhetoric Society is the publisher of the international peer-reviewed journal Res Rhetorica. In 2015 we launched the Rhetoricum publishing series.

Every year, the Polish Rhetoric Society organizes a conference on a selected aspect of rhetoric. A particularly important event was the 2015 international conference “Rhetoric in the Knowledge Society,” the fifth in the series of meetings of the Rhetoric Society of Europe “Rhetoric in Society.

One of the goals of the Society is to document and disseminate the research on rhetoric published by Polish authors. We conduct academic courses (lectures and seminars) devoted to rhetoric and co-create programs in rhetoric at various levels of education. We also engage in teacher training and support the teachers with the wealth of teaching and learning tools for use in their classroom. Our Members are the authors of academic textbooks and monographs on rhetoric. The annual rhetorical workshops as well as open seminars and debates have been regularly organized to provide professional development opportunities for rhetorical scholars and practitioners.

The Board of Polish Rhetoric Society:

  • President– Maria Załęska, The University of Warsaw
  • Vice President– Agnieszka Budzyńska Daca, The University of Warsaw
  • Secretary– Agnieszka Kampka, Warsaw University of Life Sciences
  • Treasurer– Ewa Modrzejewska, The University of Warsaw
  • Board Member– Anna Bendrat, Maria Curie-Skłodowska University in Lublin


Polskie Towarzystwo Retoryczne

Uniwersytet Warszawski
Katedra Italianistyki
ul. Oboźna 8
00-332 Warszawa



Jako członkowie Towarzystwa reprezentujemy bardzo różne dyscypliny (m.in.: polonistykę, filologię klasyczną, neofilologię, językoznawstwo, historię, filozofię, socjologię). Są wśród nas doświadczeni badacze, jak i początkujący pracownicy nauki. Są teoretycy i praktycy, wykładowcy akademiccy, nauczyciele szkół średnich, pracownicy działów PR, logopedzi, specjaliści w dziedzinie komunikacji.

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