18 SepFAR 2011 No 4 (27) October-December Editorial
Dear Readers,
The fourth issue of the quarterly contains two articles about rhetoric at the border between Middle-Ages and Renaissance (Jakub Z. Lichański, From Academia Istropolitana to the Jagiellonian University. History of Rhetoric in Hungary, Slovakia, Bohemia and Poland in the 14th and 15th centuries; Beata Gaj, The Latin Manuscripts and Old Prints connected with Silesia nowadays preserved in the Archive of Jasna Góra Monastery) and the summary of all issues from the first to twenty-third.
The next issue of Forum Artis Rhetoricae is on the history of rhetoric and bibliography of Polish rhetorical studies from 2000-2011.
In 2012 and 2013 we will address the following themes: 1. Rhetoric of Social Movements (fasc. 3:2012), 2. Rhetoric and his History in Poland (fasc. 4:2012), 3. Rhetoric of Popular Literature (fasc. 1:2013), 4. Rhetoric and Economics (fasc. 2:2013), 5. Rhetorical and Criticism (fasc. 3:2013), 6. Rhetoric and Democracy and its Enemies (fasc. 4:2013), 7. Rhetoric and Change in the Contemporary Culture (fasc. 1:2014), 8. Rhetoric and the Politics of Exclusion (fasc. 2:2014), 9. Is the Marriage of Democracy and Capitalism Over? (fasc. 3:2014), 10. Rhetoric of the New: The Occupy Wall Street Movement Goes Global (fasc. 4:2014).
This journal invites authors to submit articles on the broad subject of rhetoric. We encourage your collaboration as authors and promoters of the idea of the return to rhetoric: classical rhetoric, i.e. Aristotle’s téchne rhetoriké and Plato’s notion of kalokagathia and all of kinds of modern rhetoric.
Jakub Z. Lichanski
Editor in chief
FAR 2011 No. 4 (27) October-December