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We them and the virtual universes of the tv political advertisement

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We, them and the virtual universes of the tv political advertisement Tomasz Olczyk Institute of Applied Social Sciences, University of Warsaw Each electoral year televised political advertising becomes a more and more important part of political campaigns and it already is the most expensive means of political communication in modern electoral campaigns. Therefore its form

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Homo seriosus and homo rhetoricus in the political discourse

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Homo seriosus and homo rhetoricus in the political discourse. The argumentative strategies of janusz palikot and his opponents. Oliwia Tarasewicz-Gryt College of Management „Edukacja”, Wrocław This article is an analysis of rhetorical and eristic mechanisms in the addresses of an MP, Janusz Palikot, and his opponents – the politicians from the circle of politicians from

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We are from another courtyard political opponents about each other

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We are from another courtyard – political opponents about each other Agnieszka Kampka Warsaw University of Life Science, Faculty of Humanities The paper tries to answer the question about politicians’ manner of speaking about their political opponents. Polish Prime Ministers’ press interviews that have been analyzed indicate some main charges against political opponents: hypocrisy, weak

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Between courtesy and depreciation

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Between courtesy and depreciation. The forms of address as a rhetorical means in political polemical discourse Monika Kostro, Krystyna Wróblewska-Pawlak University of Warsaw Forms of address are one of the most important of exponents of social relation between the members of a given interaction. That is the reason why they are used by the politicians

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Ancient tradition as an argument in the polemic

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Ancient tradition as an argument in the polemic with the enemies of the polish-lithuanian commonwealth Joanna Partyka Institute for Interdisciplinary Studies „Artes Liberales”, University of Warsaw Polish writers of the XVII century used the classical tradition as a weapon in fighting with unfavorable to the Commonwealth, stereotypical judgments, popularized i.a. in Icon animorium by John

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The heritage of ancient sophists and modern culture

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The heritage of ancient sophists and modern culture Cyprian Mielczarski University of Warsaw The ideas of ancient sophists are visible in those trends of today’s humanities that express the essence of the democratic formation (for instance, various forms of postmodernist philosophy, Perelman’s “New Rhetoric”, and all the schools of the rhetorical theory of reality). The

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FAR No 3 (26) 2011 Editorial

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Editorial Dear Readers, The thematic issue Rhetoric and political polemics is dedicated to one of the most important aspects of political communication. Polemics, controversies, contestations, arguments oft en degenerate into what counts nowadays as pure sophistics. Therefore the volume opens with a study by Cyprian Mielczarski The heritage of the classical sophistics and the modern

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