[Res Rhetorica] „Krzysztof Bosak’s Nomination Acceptance Speech – Transposing an American Genre into Polish Political Rhetoric”
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[Res Rhetorica] „Krzysztof Bosak’s Nomination Acceptance Speech – Transposing an American Genre into Polish Political Rhetoric”

[Res Rhetorica] „Krzysztof Bosak’s Nomination Acceptance Speech – Transposing an American Genre into Polish Political Rhetoric”

Marcin Kosman analizuje rzadko stosowany w europejskiej polityce gatunek mowy akceptacyjnej na przykładzie wystąpienia Krzysztofa Bosaka.


The article combines methods pertaining to Rhetorical Genre Studies and Discourse-Historical Approach in order to provide a comprehensive analysis of Krzysztof Bosak’s nomination acceptance speech which he delivered during the 2020 Confederation presidential primaries. The discussed genre of political speech is rarely realized in European contexts. Given various differences between the American and the Polish political systems, Bosak did not follow every pattern of the standard variant of the genre. Rather, his speech appears to be more similar to a nomination acceptance speech of a third-party candidate. Overall, Bosak emerged as the leader of a divided and heterogeneous party, which was not given much attention by mainstream media. The paper investigates how these factors contributed to the structure and content of the speech. Moreover, recent decades have seen a rapid rise in significance of (far) right-wing movements in Europe. As Confederation is a relatively new political formation, there is a gap in research regarding the properties of its discourse. Thus, the present paper compares the discourse of the coalition with practices of politics of fear (Wodak, 2021).


Artykuł pochodzi z „Res Rhetorica”, Vol 9, No 2 (2022), pt. Retoryka wizerunku publicznego/Rhetoric of the public image.

Redaktorki numeru: Anna Bendrat, Elżbieta Pawlak-Hejno

Zobacz cały numer: https://resrhetorica.com


(fot. Pixabay/jarmoluk)


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