[Zaproszenie zewnętrzne] Survey on (Dis)agreement Among Peer Argumentation Theorists
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[Zaproszenie zewnętrzne] Survey on (Dis)agreement Among Peer Argumentation Theorists

[Zaproszenie zewnętrzne] Survey on (Dis)agreement Among Peer Argumentation Theorists

W imieniu dr. Jakuba Prusia zapraszamy do udziału w badaniu naukowym nad argumentacją.


Invitation to Participate in a Survey on (Dis)agreement Among Peer Argumentation Theorists

Dear Scholars,

A group of researchers is conducting a study on the consistency of argument evaluations made by argumentation theorists and researchers in fields such as formal and informal logic, philosophy, communication studies, linguistics, and related disciplines.

We invite you to participate in a survey assessing the degree of peer (dis)agreement in evaluating argument strength. As part of this study, you will be asked to rate 10 short arguments on a scale from 1 to 10, with an option for interval assessments. Additionally, we will ask a few questions about your academic background and demographics. The collected data will enable us to estimate the levels of (dis)agreement among proponents of different evaluative methods. We hope to publish a paper discussing the study’s results next year.

The survey takes up to 30 minutes to complete and is entirely anonymous. Anonymity is ensured through LimeSurvey, a professional platform for conducting secure online research.

Link to the survey: https://argevsurvey.limesurvey.net/392731?lang=en


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