3 gru[Call for papers] Retoryka w Meksyku
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Studies on rhetoric in Mexico have undergone remarkable development, resulting in the creation of the Asociación Méxicana de Retórica (Mexican Association of Rhetoric) in 2010. The rhetorical practices that have permeated the history of Mexico, from indigenous peoples such as the Náhuatl, through the Novo-Hispanic period, the period of Independence, the Revolution, the avant-garde and the current political, legal, and social developments, have been the subject of multiple analyses.
This issue of Res Rhetorica aims to disseminate Rhetoric in Mexico and to promote dialogue among academic fields from different continents in the international scientific community. Moving beyond the traditional core of North American and European rhetorical studies, we hope to bring diverse voices to the field of rhetorical research. We think that producing spaces for collaboration and engaging with scholars who are conversant with traditions other than the American or European only enriches the discipline of rhetoric so that global scholarship can benefit.
Issue editors:
María Alejandra Vitale, University of Buenos Aires,
Marta Kobylska, University of Rzeszów,